Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Freshness Continues

Tofu and mixed vegatable stir fry

I got home late and wanted somthing fast and easy so I cut up so farmers market vegatables and tofu and had myself a nice 9:00 dinner. *Note the sweet dragon fly plate I got from the Chinees grocery store.

I used red pepper, regular squash (market), broccoli (market), cremini mushrooms, spinach, and firm tofu and did them in the wok with soy sauce. I made quinoa on the side because it has a similar texture to brown rice.

If you have not already noticed, my camera's picture quality is absoltuley horrible. I am using an Olypus D-380 which is about the size of my whole hand. At 2.0 megapixels the pictures are always crap so just bare with me with food pictures and use tour imagination when needed.
Some day I will get a better camera.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

what a pretty plate you have there :) and the food looks yummy too!