Hello everyone. I have been cooking and eating all kinds of good food but my mind has been else where and I forget to document most it. I already mentioned that I got a new stove, but the hood (you know, the thing that sucks the smoke out) was installed recently. We never had a hood before but now I can cook things in my wok at extremely high heats and not worry about smelling up the whole house with smoke. I will take a picture of them and post it next time. I have to ask if you could please continue to keep me in your prayers because I have been having pain in my left shin since it started to throb with pain last Friday in track practice accompanied by a strange tingling/throbbing that I still have. I have been unable to go to track practice since then and have missed our first scrimmage, our first two meets, 5 practices, and I was not able to get my uniform and track clothes. I am trying to be strong but it is slowly wearing away at me. I am going to a really good specialized doctor on Wednesday and I am hoping he can tell me exactly what is wrong with me. In the mean time, I am on spring break so I am just trying to keep occupied with cooking and trying to find cross training things to do.
I have been doing a lot of cooking but I recently photographed my lasagna and my granola. The granola is my own recipe and the lasagna is an adaptation of two recipes put together that I will some day type up and post.


I will definitely say a prayer for you.
Your food looks great, especially that lasagna. I haven't had lasagna since going veg because I don't care for the tofu ricotta or fake cheeses. Yours looks tofu and cheeseless so I can't wait for you to post the recipe.
Take care and let us know how your doctor's visit goes.
I love your posts... they always make me happy. You make the most delicious looking food. I am sorry about the complications you have been having, and I will certainly remember you in my prayers. I hope all goes well at the doctor.
I'm sorry to hear you're in pain. I will definitely remember you in my prayers and thoughts. I hope the doctor Wed. will be able to bring you some comfort. In the meantime, enjoy your spring break and keep cooking up your delicious looking food!
Ooooooh, Kate, i am sad to know you're in such pain!! I am hoping it goes away and you get well. I know the frustration of an athletic injury. I'm 41 and i've had many in my day. Patience is key! Do take notes on what the doc tells you. And of course you are in my prayers...
On another note, keeping busy is a great idea and that lasagna looks awesome!
Sending good, healing thoughts your way!!
i will pray for you!
the food looks good!
I hope you feel better, Kate! It must be so frustrating and scary to have a mysterious pain that doesn't go away. I hope that you figure out what it is and kick it as soon as possible.
Congrats on the new stove and hood. Your lasagna looks delicious- I've never tried to make vegan lasagna before, I should.
Still thinkin' of you... *HUGS*
You're lasagna looks SO good.
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